Ramadan Culture that Confuses Non Muslims

Hey, everyone! It feels like years since the last time I posted on this blog, while actually it’s only been two weeks! As I mentioned on this post, it’s a little bit hard for me to keep my old schedule to write blog posts since I got a new job. It’s actually even worse nowContinue reading “Ramadan Culture that Confuses Non Muslims”

Be Grateful

Hey, all. Today’s post is actually very short, but I just want to give you a quick update. So, just recently I got new job! I can’t thank God enough for this! Well, actually it’s not ‘new’ new, but here’s the thing. From the beginning of this year, I want to give a shot onceContinue reading “Be Grateful”

Super Easy Way to Make A Sushi Roll

Hey, everyone! First of all, no, you are not opening a wrong blog. This is still me, Unpretty Vanity, and this time I want to share with you something a little bit different than what I usually write. But of course, this blog ain’t gonna change to a recipe blog. This blog will still beContinue reading “Super Easy Way to Make A Sushi Roll”

Things I Would’ve Bought: Feb-Mar 2019

Hey, everyone! It’s another end of the month again, which means it’s time for me to give you an update about my low-buy year project! It feels just like yesterday I wrote my January “Things I would’ve Bought” and in fact it’s already the end of March. Can you believe how fast time flies! So,Continue reading “Things I Would’ve Bought: Feb-Mar 2019”

Life as A Blogger

Hello, everyone! First of all, thank you so much for supporting me by reading, commenting, liking, and following this blog. I can’t believe it’s been two months since I revamped this blog and mainly focus on writing about beauty, traveling, and life style. And by this short time span, I learned a lot of newContinue reading “Life as A Blogger”

My First Colourpop International Shipping Experience

Hey, everyone! How was your first week of 2019? Do you have long term and short term schedule you want to follow? Me personally, I decided to post on this blog once a week every Monday. I hope I can be consistent with this target, though. It is hard, these days, being consistent. But, let’sContinue reading “My First Colourpop International Shipping Experience”

Living in Japan: Dealing with Stereotype Part 2.1

Halo, temen-temen! Sekarang saya mau melanjutkan lagi cerita tentang stereotip yang saya alami ketika tinggal di Jepang. Nah kenapa judulnya Part 2.1, akan saya ceritakan di akhir ya. Bagi yang belum membaca part 1-nya, bisa dibaca di sini ya. Kali ini juga masih sama dengan post sebelumnya, saya ingin bercerita tentang anggapan salah yang sayaContinue reading “Living in Japan: Dealing with Stereotype Part 2.1”

Siapa yang Tidak Ingin Traveling Gratis?

Seharusnya postingan kali ini adalah melanjutkan cerita saya tentang stereotip di Jepang. Namun, saya ingin berbagi sedikit kesan saya setelah membaca sebuah buku karya penulis favorit saya, sekaligus salah seorang inspirasi yang bisa dibilang membentuk pribadi saya hingga seperti sekarang ini. Beliau adalah Kak Trinity. Saya yakin pasti teman-teman pun sudah tahu siapa sosok KakContinue reading “Siapa yang Tidak Ingin Traveling Gratis?”

Living in Japan: Dealing with Stereotype Part 1

Stereotype, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut stereotip, menurut KBBI daring memiliki makna: n konsepsi mengenai sifat suatu golongan berdasarkan prasangka yang subjektif dan tidak tepat Kali ini saya ingin bercerita mengenai pengalaman berharga yang saya dapatkan berkaitan dengan stereotip ini. Pengalaman ini terjadi saat saya masih tinggal di Jepang, namun hikmahnya masih saya rasakan hingga sekarang.Continue reading “Living in Japan: Dealing with Stereotype Part 1”

Day 13: Thing I am Excited About

Sebenernya saya agak bingung, apa ya bedanya “thing I am excited about” dengan “things that make me really happy”. Toh keduanya sama-sama membuat senang atau bersemangat 😀 Karena buat saya yg membuat saya senang itu ya otomatis membuat saya semangat, begitupun sebaliknya 😀 Mungkin temen2 di sini yg sudah ngikutin 30 day writing challenge ini dariContinue reading “Day 13: Thing I am Excited About”